“A Piebald Empire and a White Australia”

Speech by Mr John Norton, M.L.A
August 4th 1905
The greatest menace to the White race was not the cheapness and nastiness of the coloured man, but his industry and enterprise, and above all – that which the white man has no sense of: his racial and national solidarity.
The Jews run the British empire, they occupy the palaces at Park-lane, London which were now becoming a plutocratic ghetto, or Jewish quarter with abundance of ‘boodle’ and redolent with the odour of fried fish.
The Boer war, We were told that we were to fight for our country, we bled and died with what result!? Fifty thousand Chinese slaves working on the land for a handful of rice, metaphorically speaking- where a great and prosperous white mining community flourished in contentment and peace until Chamberlain conspired with the Park Lane and Johannesburg Jew-gang to use the resources- moral, political and military of the great world wide British empire to wipe out British labor and bring in Chows!
The British Empire had more than two thirds of its total population coloured. What has the politicians done for a White Australia? Not very much – having denounced the state premier and politicians generally, and the Labor party in particular.
Politics has got into the hands of corrupt little cliques, which were after all – the disguised enemies of the Labor party. A White Australia was against the interests of the British Empire, it was against the interest of the British Empire to concede the claim for a White Australia, because it would bring her not only into conflict with her coloured allies, but it would also be asking her to put an affront upon the hundreds of millions of coloured loyal British subjects.
Without a White Australia for the white man, Australia would not be worth living in, or would not be worth living in for their white children; This is what they required instead of showing loyalty to the empire. Loyalty to the Commonwealth!
Next for the realisation of a White Australia; was the ideal of a national militia, an Australian army.
Nativist Herald