1st September 1895
Ballina (N.S.W) has sprung to the front with the organisation of a North Coast Anti-Alien Society. Which was sadly wanted. The ordinary chronicles of the day have been recorded monotonously of late how weekly batches of dusky beings on two legs – known snuffingly as “our coloured brethren” have been ladled out here, there and everywhere coast-wise, to fill the vacant labor stands on sugar plantations and generally to make sunny New South Wales a piebald-cum-skewbald horror. Brown men, black men, bronze men, yellow men, all sorts of variegated men except white men are the greedy desire of the nigger-drivers who would not have this continent a free white country.
The Chinese leper, the Indian itinerant, the Syrian hawker, the Javanese coolie, the Malay sailor, combine to tourniquet the limbs of this continent; Their backer is the Fat Man, who indents them at nominal wages and grows fatter and wealthier, whilst his white brothers starve; and who then writes to the papers about those social agitators that would tax “the energetic capitalists who have made this country what it is!”
Yes, it was high time that the Colour agitation took a living root in New South Wales, It is to be fervently desired that the Balliner movement will extend and throw out the vigorous branches all over the land. Eligibility to membership consists only in the subscription of one shilling and the signing of the following pledge.
I hereby subscribe myself a member of the North Coast Anti-Alien Society, and with reference to any coloured aliens, known as Chinese, Japanese, Kanakas, Hindoos, Cingalese or other kindred races, I pledge myself in the interests of the well-being of the community not to employ any of them in connection with clearing land, nor in connection with any branch of the sugar industry, so long as the present sugar duty remains untouched, nor at any time in connection with any other work or industry. I also pledge myself to use my best endeavours and every legitimate means to induce others to carry out the provisions of this pledge.
The coloured-alien nuisance in New South Wales at present rages – a terror to unprotected females, and an omnipresent marauder of hen-roosts. this is merely its incipient stage of babyhood; If the Australian Hercules in his cradle does not strangle this threatening serpent, it will some day uprear itself and its increased brood into a racial problem as difficult as that which has now consumed Yankee-land with intestinal derangements.